Here's an essay I wrote for fun while without home internet. Enjoy!

A Bohemian’s Life

By: Logan Anderson

The Beginning

I wanted to begin by stating stay present. I’ve lived in the future and past far too long to realize its a waste of time. Plan for the future, but do what you can today. It isn't the end of the world if you can’t get it all done in one day. Don’t dwell in the past. As Aldous Huxley once reiterated learn from it then move on. You can’t change the past or the future. Be present. I’ve made all kinds of mistakes and failed a great deal. Your dealt the cards you have. Aim to make the best decisions you can in the moment and make less mistakes as my late father told me. I’ve change post secondary programs 8 times over 27 years and still haven’t finished. Making me somewhat of a professional student. Making me overqualified for most wages at minimum wage. My running into psychiatrists at a young age of 16 didn’t help. I had a chlorine allergy using Flonase triggered an event which lead to a 4 month hiatus of my summers vacation and a series of electroshock's. I wasn't the same afterwards. Four diagnosis over the years manic depressive aka bipolar disorder, schizophrenic, schizoaffective, aspergers. The list probably could go on if claimed to be suicidal to a the suicide crisis helpline. Six stays in asylums and 2 in prison and a 20 year long record for impaired driving and political protest turned violent. Mostly a result of my maladjustment and nonconformity to society and psychiatry. Their excessive moores and how to behave correctly in a quaint town with many social problems, myself included. I think the biggest lesson I had was that life is a teacher learned from a hermit in Chile and the next not to be so darned hard on myself. We all make mistakes. I turned to drug and drink to cope with life, society, and shitty psychiatric drugs. I’m not one to preach, but I do believe in moderation despite my addictions and bad habits.

I strongly encourage simple living and living within ones means. Its a consumer driven society and much of what we own and work for is not needed. As the Buddha once said not to desire. Maybe this is the freedom one wishes to attain away from the trap of materialism. Take care of yourself and your body and you will see results. I recommend organic food and natural foods that contain no MSG or monosodiumglutamate or sugar. MSG is an excitotoxin that destroys brain cells and causes obesity. Develop a exercise regimen nature walking, cycling, swimming, any number of sports as long as you get over 30-45 minutes of aerobic activity. Preferably an hour. Even calisthenics or stretching can be helpful. Home workouts, weight lifting, gyms can all help 3-5 times a week. Maybe you’d like to ditch your car and become an annual cyclist. I usually cycle to the grocery store much like Scandinavian people even though where I live in Eastern Canada there is some infrastructure for cycling, so I make the best of it. I find helmet wearing makes me overconfident and is quite uncomfortable. The choice is yours. Take one day at a time each day offers its own uniqueness. Time is a state of mind.

Develop hobbies in your leisure time, it can create a state of flow as I once learned in the asylum. Its a beautiful experience. You forget about linear time and become absorbed in your leisurely pursuit.Reading is usually my go to pursuit although I do enjoy certain audio talks, music, and guitar. Knitting and the occasional video game. Cooking a well prepared nutritious meal can be fun too. I like to improvise on recipes. I learned and developed a technique I call throw it all in. That means putting whatever you fancy to finish off your remaining food in the pantry. Don’t stockpile your food in the words of Kevin Trudeau in the Weight Loss Cure. Make an effort to get out and go grocery shopping daily.Now that you have some hobbies are eating well, not overworked, and enjoying leisure time, you can pursue your solitude daily. Due to unforeseen circumstances and getting injured at work on a few occasions. I had long absences from work and school. So, I was forced into the hermit like life or eretmicism. I started experimenting with lifestyle choices in bohemian fashion. I think thanks to The Minimalists my decision to cut home internet and cable was a good decision. I was wasting a good deal of time and became addicted to pornography. There's so much of it out there. I was using it much like a drug to cope with life. I leave it to you but I got a lot more done. I became more productive without the distraction. Besides internet cafes, family, and public libraries all have internet access. Its all around you. I much prefer not having the distraction in my man cave. I like getting out and people watching There's far more attractive women on walking trails, malls, or cafes.


I became fascinated by those who dare counter culturalists what have you to succumb to voluntary or involuntary poverty. That may involve permanent unemployment as Bob Black once said in his 1984 essay The Abolition of Work. I prefer odd jobs or simply part time work. Use your discretion, think for yourself, as the late Emma Goldman encouraged. I just find the number of distractions in the Western world to be overwhelming, aside from our work in a repetitive job to the point it may land you in the asylum with depression and anxiety, or any number of psychological problems, The caveat maybe living in poverty and living life on the edge. Do the best you can to make a livelihood for yourself, not everyone is successful myself included . As I mentioned earlier the number of choices and decisions you have to make can be overwhelming. To slow things down when this happens take a deep breath or even step away from the problem. Take a break or stop doing whatever isn't working. As Einstein once said its insanity doing the same thing over and over again. Things take practice and the more decisions you make the better you will become at making them as Tony Robbins wrote in the book Awaken The Giant Within. I recommend it. Maybe you prefer not having a job to go to, maybe you want to become an entrepreneur or simply not be insubordinate to someone else giving you orders, or risking being fired for no good reason. There could be many reasons. You may become good at it and have another source of income. Not that money is everything. It does help with the bills, and essentials.

The Bizarre

I wanted this section as I’ve had some strange experiences perhaps from my psychedelic journeys. If you wish to become a psychonaut I recommend the lectures by the late Terrence Mckenna, they can be found on the Psychedelic Salon website run by Lorenzo Hagerty. It can be a rewarding experience. Its not without its risks so stay informed. The Erowid website is another good resource for up to date plant information. Our culture does discourage exploring ones mind or consciousness. I think it ought to be up to the individual not the government treating people adults paternalisticaly. I do regard them as plant teachers, as well as medicines. That doesn’t include street drugs. It can help with past traumas, other neurosis, and or possibly maybe more than you bargained for with other intelligence beyond your comprehension as Mckenna once thought. I greatly reduced my smoking and drinking thanks to psycilocybin mushrooms. I much prefer cannabis usually hashish to help with the medication I’m forced to take. Maybe I will be free of them in years to come. Time will tell. I have to say after my last voyages I never though I’d be seeing giant foot prints on the walking trails. It could well be a Sasquatch. Some people speculated they are inter dimensional beings from god knows where. I’ve even heard strange noises or roars on the trail as well. I don’t know what to make of it. I do think the government is keeping a lid on this stuff as best they can, as to not startle the public. They may even reverse engineering their technologies. Things we take for granted like the integrated circuit could well be alien derived. Our computers and technology maybe smarter than we think from a civilization older and more advanced than our own.


I must say after a couple of failed relationships and dating experiences I was forced into solitude. A hermits life or eremetic rather. Bachelorhood pursuing my own interests individualistically. Meditation. took on a whole new leaf. Like the Japanese Buddhists say if your busy spend an hour doing zazen. I unbusy myself and spend an hour in a Burmese position.

There’s so much to do, people to listen to, books to read, a pipe to smoke, and stream watching on the nature trail to indulge in. Why not take my time and enjoy life. I certainly enjoy smoking my pipe and reading a good book on a rainy day. All the pitter patter, that in itself tells you to slow down and enjoy things. Not to mention to respect the power of nature, especially the weather. It rains here a lot, so a good rain coat goes along way. Not so big with umbrellas, as I use a hood on my jacket like Robbin Hood, just kidding, as much as I would like to rob the rich and give to the poor. I’ve had a record long enough and tired in my old age running into the law. The law that knows no better than to render people unemployed and to tarnish ones character, with no chance of dialogue in a monotheistic court system resembling Sunday Mass, as the late Allan Watts once observed. I admit in my youthful folly I had a bad attitude that got me nowhere. Mind you I became fed up with dreary dead end jobs of a repetitive nature. Along with the pain and injuries associated with manual labour jobs. I much preferred being a free agent, working on my own terms, making my own schedule. It was liberating. Much like riding a bicycle or swimming in the ocean.

I think one of my next favourite solitude activities is to smoke a cigar on a park bench some wheres. I have certain spots I enjoy visiting if you so wish to indulge in tobacco or coffee or simply be alone with your thoughts. Imagine that being undisturbed by someone, making up your own mind things. Maybe you too have reached a breaking point with novelty and the quick fix culture of shoddy consumerism and fast food, big houses, cars, fashion, and jewellery, fancy clothes, keeping up with the illusion of the jonses pedalled by society. I guess this is what happens when your discover things like oil, and invent a combustion engine. People don’t want to do manual labour. Why not have a machine do it for you, or even one of those fancy laptop computers, so you can sit idly consuming hours of media, on Facebook and YouTube, consume, consume. You have choices in your life. I’d recommend spending less of your leisure time glued to screens and getting out into nature when you can. All in moderation of course. I think its awful how much sedentary time and lack of face to face interactions were not having anymore because of these experimental technologies. Who would of thought the cell phone, computer, and television would wreak so much havoc on communities. I mean where is it all going? It could be taking away from other hobbies offline, and possibly a career in other areas of your life or namely simple living. I say like the late Timothy Leary maybe “Tune in, and drop out.” The western world shares some questionable values sometime.


Well theirs one thing about working too much and that means less time for leisure. I was reading on wikipedia along the lines of not having time for leisure. Some people can get really overworked. I guess if you get caught up in the materialistism trap it could happen to you. I too drank too much when I was in my twenties, and a overdose after a failed relationship later on. I was given a second chance. Luckily I was revived. I was a changed man. I slowed down. I’m probably never going to fit into society and started caring less of what people thought of me. You might say with all my new unrealized spare time, cable or the internet I became eccentric. I started my own fashion trends with hats and scarfs. It was fun. I’m still not sure if I should wear sunglasses indoors. Sometimes I forget. You can tell people are uncomfortable. I think my next big feat of freed up leisure time was getting off of social media. Another time suck. Although I do think Facebook is handy attempting to score a date or keep in touch with people from far away including family. I haven’t had much luck with it all the endless scrolling. Some men who conform to society may increase their chances. I’m a bit of a lone wolf, maybe I’ll meet the right damsel one of these days. As Zan Perion says their all his girls. I like that. On a opposite note if your looking to spend your free time, it could be on womanizing. There's no shortage of dating websites. Its a major time suck, and there is a fine line between (p.8) bettering yourself and pursuing women. Yes indeed many women are looking for a man that had intrigued them with his self betterment. I strongly encourage pursuing worthwhile leisurely hobbies.


I must say I wouldn’t have the family I do today if it wasn't for forgiveness. I’m far from perfect, a highly sensitive man, moody, taking offence at slightest slight or difference of opinion. I think I side with the influential write Margaret Atwood in her book Payback with her notions of forgiveness. What if the US. Government had forgiven Al-Quaida, and Osama Bin Laden in all their shenanigans. The prevention of loss of life, tax payers money saved. Its quite an observation. Even Nelson Mandela had to forgive his captors of thirty years, I’d say or not worse spend more time in prison or face an early demise.Life has its ups and downs, I’ve been through the ringer with psychiatry. I just had to forgive them and let it go. They didn’t understand my wide eyed idealism or that I valued anarchism. To me it basically not having to depend on your government. Having mutual agreements with people, and governing the self. That usually means with hierarchies by defintion. I do value self sufficiency as the late Dr. Szasz preached. In the book book bullet proof spirit I learned to forgive before the slight, my late friend use to say forgive 72 times. He was an aspiring Benedictine Monk, in my opinion he was a monk. I never met a man so well read in scripture, and such good spirits toward his fellow man despite his treatment by psychiatrists, as he too was given the schizophrenia diagnosis to meet his early demise to tobacco addiction and lung cancer at the age of 63. He was a good firend and will be missed.


I think I learned from Tony Robbins and other Americans was that they took action. That is to act and implement ideas. It isn't easy. It isn't watching TV, surfing the web, or drinking. As much as their enjoyable past times and time wasters. On the other side of things in the orient there is the idea of wu wei in Taoist thought. Allan Watts spoke of it in his interpretation was to take action when necessary otherwise let things happen and not to force the outcomes. I think I learned this the hard way in my endeavours at taking action and skirmishes with the law and living in poverty. Living on the edge. People don’t like overly controlling people, nor can you control outcomes sometimes. Its best to move on and try something different. Maybe come back to it with a new strategy or simply plant seeds as a rower I once overheard say, and take root.Not everything has to be action. Sometimes its good to observe and be careful. Depending on what one wants to achieve. People who favour the status quo don’t like change. Some people don’t like change in general. Whether they like it or not things do change. It might not be the government but on a grass roots level some people have some interesting ideas. It wouldn’t be done without things like activism, protests, and petitions, online or in person. It may take years for them to ripen. Change can quite often be slow at a societal level, they do happen all the same. Look at gay people, or disability rights. Much has been done even people of colour. Don’t loose hope, get out and reach those willing to listen. People are learning to tolerate people from a variety of learned experiences. We all have a story to tell. Maybe your willing to tell it?


Don’t be overly concerned with time. Our hunter gatherer ancestors never had watches for millions of years. There not very accurate anyway. Breaking, too fast, or too slow. The one thing their good at is for meetings and arriving and leaving for work, not to mention breaks. Its complete linear in fashion. We live in a linear society. Things are straight, kind of black, and white. In reality this isn't so unfortunately. Time is cyclical. History and events can repeat themselves if they aren’t studied and learned from. Things aren’t so black and white either. People are complicated creatures. We have feelings, moods, capabilities. We’re not all the same. People are different. They come different backgrounds, genes, families, societies, geography, and time periods. What does this have to do with time? People can affect time. Its a state of mind. As I mentioned earlier sometimes one forgets about time when engrossed in flow. Being absorbed in activity, an event, hobby, what have you. Maybe you can dare not to wear a wrist watch as John Zerzan does in Time and Time Again. I gather most things we do are just a series of events. Whether thats work, family, friends, or activities. Not everything is black and white, some things like creative endeavours for example can’t be performed in time allocated spaces. Sometimes one needs leisure and aspiration to be influenced. To have their basic needs met perhaps be self realized as Abraham Maslow surmised if their is truth to self actualization. Perhaps it is more along the lines of enlightenment, which is probably rare in individuals. Take a shaman or yogi for example.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I find quite often I’m attracted to more then just physical appearances of the opposite sex. As much as I appreciate someone who is disciplined, eats well, and makes fitness a priority. It isn't an end all be all. Character goes a long way. I’m more attracted to women who have over come an ordeal in their life, and demonstrate resilience. Not everybody does, and quite often depends on open mindedness, and adaptability, not to mention forgiveness. Sometimes life can throw you a curve ball and leads to learned helplessness or even a psychotic break. Such is the nature of trauma. You may need support outside your family or medication, on a short term basis ideally until recovered. If life throws you lemons make lemonade. My maladaptation to society causes me to see beauty in most things. I guess its the creators way of winking back at us. Things can be amazing sometimes. I compare life to a roller coaster ride, sometimes you just want to get off. I’ve settled for reclusive life. I get easily overwhelmed, and sometimes its best to stay in ones chambers. We are social creatures however, and one may long for a connection with ones fellow man or soul mate, such is the quest for beauty,love and friendship.


Love is a complicated topic. Widely sought after and can fluctuate. It can apply to many things. A love of people for example, life, a lover, work, hobbies, the list is endless. Falling in love is quite an event. When you’ve met someone you connect with or have things in common, simply by sharing your life with them. It is a special thing, however as the Buddhist say life is impermanent. Love can be too, some people fall in love for a very long time, and are even married, have children, until death due us part. Other people are in love with life and may see the good in things even if there not so great. Things get better . Seeing the good is a sure way to fall in love with life. People may wonder why your so content.Nobodies perfect. Its certainly interesting the differences people have that makes them unique. I value individualism and pursuit it. The labour laws and work hours may need to be changed. Peter Kropotkin stated it well if people worked 5 hours per day most if not all the work in the community could be completed that includes addressing basic needs food, shelter, clothing, transport. You need time for leisure, family, even friend(s). Its unfortunate those that end up exploited by merchants may fall out of love with life. We all have choices. Maybe not falling for the consumerist trap of endless materialism, may help you rediscover the love that was missing in your life.


I mentioned changed briefly earlier and things certainly do. Some of the biggest changes in out lives are because of technology. Many technological breakthroughs there can be disastrous consequences if they fail. Perhaps a heed of caution with our overbalance if not abandonment if one suffers from addiction or if it takes away from other more important things in your life like your work, hobbies, friends, acquaintances, and family.. I guess it is a question of values. Do you want a simple life or maybe there is a need to disconnect oneself from a 24/7 go go society of consumption. Change is inevitable and some of these technologies are creating too much change, maybe even destroying the civilization. Forgetting about older ways of life that worked. Products that required great craftsmanship by artisans , that lasted. Are you tired of consuming mainstream media? Do you want to create something for yourself? Your own media, a poem, to act, make a film, or write? Whatever you decide to do it too can cause change and contribute to humanity. If it were not for great artists we wouldn’t be were we are today. Have you questioned consumption and wish to contribute. You may need help. Your ideas may not necessarily make money but its a great way to creatively express yourself to others and communicate a point of view. If your thinking of creating something I encourage you to do so. We’re not here forever, besides you may have fun during the process and learn something along the way. As Gandhi once famously said "life is a journey not a destination."


Basically, if your unconventional, a nonconformist, devoted to literary and artistic pursuits. That may involve writing, art, acting, poetry, music, etc. Such endeavours require devotion and effort as well as passion. Maybe these are just hobbies. Hobbies which you may master and eventually generate income. The lifestyle is no easy feat and one may suffer the prolonged effects of poverty and unexpected circumstances or events. The poverty may well be involuntary, as one becomes unemployed or unemployable refusing regular work.. As Bob Black says play or doing things. That may involve cultivating solitude and solitary pursuits, or make time for friends and acquaintances. Developing a comrade in your fellow man. You may develop a vested interest in literature , and decide to read a great deal neglecting other things like basic needs. One must be aware of not falling into the trap of laziness and obsession. Would you like to learn of a variety of topics that cultivate your interests making you well read and able to discuss topics on a whim? Learn what you can some people have an aptitude for research and teaching others their findings and insights. There’s never a dull moment with a literary friend as a fellow philosopher once said to me. Much can be learned from autobiographies, especially past mistakes made, so that you may learn from them. You may even have a new approach to things. Read as much as you can when you have time, pursue hobbies, and get to know your fellow neighbour if they are willing.


I’ve struggled with this bad habit or dare I say addiction for 20 years. I’ve gotten better the last 5 years or so. I’m hoping to give it up. I have my set backs. I knew I had a problem there are things that you can do. Get a pornography blocker or even mention it to a family member of friend. Nothing ventured nothing gained. There are some books too such as the pornography trap that you may find helpful. I guess we all have our sexuality and looking at porn in moderation may have no ill effect for some. I guess I’m addressing those that are thinking of giving it up. It can actually be quite difficult. Its that dopamine hit or orgasm that creates this habit. If you want to pleasure yourself do it without porn. You may need or want a girlfriend. Which is much better than all this crap on the internet. There is so much of it and some women make a livelihood off of it. To each their own. Maybe you want to raise a family or simply more time to do the things your really want to do by not being slave to your impulses and desires. Why not find the girl of your dreams? You maybe rejected in the process and then again maybe you need a break from relationships. Being single has its benefits too despite being against the grain of society. They both have their pros and cons. I must admit since my dry spell I’ve learned a great deal in my down time, unemployment and solitude. I wish you well no matter what the outcome.

Spiritual Crisis

The Grof’s coined the term Spiritual Crisis in one their books my memory is hazy as well as Holotropic Breathe work. You could indeed have one for many reasons. Perhaps too many stressors, a painful event, familial abuse, simply a questioning of values. Whatever the reasons you maybe carted off to the asylum, against your will and forced to take mind altering drugs.

Take advantage of their exercise program while there. It did wonders for me. I got stronger, shed a few unwanted pounds. Do you like to colour or paint? Quite the relaxing past times. highly recommended. Don’t bring drugs with you or hang out with people who do. Just a suggestion. Don’t get lippy with staff, their overworked, and often under trained. Don’t get into fights. Television there is enjoyable to pan the time , or maybe read a good book. Sometimes people bring them in. Don’t smoke either, it can lead to its share of problems, loosing privileges for example and not to mention prolonging your stay. Get out of their as quick as you can and be on good behaviour, wash your clothes whence dirty, and groom regularly. Most of all relax, and recover. Whatever brought you in there I’m sure was a trying experience, and you may need time to heal. The western world can be trying the best of times. Learn some meditation, I liked Phillip Kapleaus’ The Three Pillar’s of Zen. He has some illustrations and methods of how to go about it.

Moral Dilemmas

The late Dr. Szasz coined the term moral dilemmas and it is used in psychology. My god we do have them. It probably is more accurate term as we face our day to day challenges. In his epic work the Myth of Mental Illness, he questions the term suggesting it is a metaphor like many figures of speech. There are no biological markers, or evidence the condition runs in families. Nor does it fit the definition of disease as they of course are defining human behaviours or misbehaviour. It gives psychiatry legitimacy. It makes them a medical profession, with drugs, electroshock's, and incarceration to boot. It could change but I doubt it will with their ties to pharmaceutical companies. I’d say most of what people present to a psychiatrist is really a need for psychotherapy or talk therapy. The drug is the quick fix to problems, mind you its your choice if you want to be drugged.

Psychotherapy requires time, skill, and training. I guess you could say in that regard maybe that's why the mental healthcare system is failing them unless they can get access to one which can be quite expsensive. The drugs create the illnesses they are speaking of in my opinion. It is really a self fulfilling prophecy. Other countries are seeking alternatives much like the late Loren Mosher’s Soteria House. An experimental drug free alternative to the asylum for people in crisis. People recovered, got on with their lives, jobs, education, what have you, without ever having been hooked on psychotropic drugs in the first place., not to mention the disability they can cause people.


Being an anarchist is no easy feat. Most folk vote and expect changes and their best interest represented by elected officials. Of course there is some rare occasions some politicians that are quite good at what the do, and are doing the best they can under the circumstances. Look at people Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln or Marcus Aurelius. As I mentioned before you can learn a great deal from autobiographies. Sometimes when there is great oppression as Robert Greene speaks of in 48 Laws of Power one must concede defeat and retreat. There can be many bad and questionable influences in our society. Do the best you can and make better decisions. Its when you go against the herd and start questioning authority as the late Tim Leary did you may find yourself in prison. Not that this a bad thing, just something to be aware of. Independent thinkers and creative minds have usually been met with opposition according to Albert Eisenstein. Look at Galileo and the inquisition for simply revealing a startling revelation The Sun revolves our earth not the dogma of the church and it opposite view. It took many years before the view was widely accepted. You maybe ahead of your time and your views maybe rejected or simply misunderstood as Ernie Zelenski states in his work. Such is life. Some of the great innovators like Mandela were courageously willing to die for their cause despite the oppression. He did eventually lead his people after 30 years of imprisonment. Enjoy the simple things in life and take care of your health and basic needs.


I’ve hinted at some things you can do in your spare time in my case alone if you so choose. By all means involve someone if they want to join you. Nature walking, archery, knitting, board games, cards, calisthenics, weight lifting, cycling, skateboarding, roller blading. They are all great ways to enjoy enjoy hobbies. Alone, or with friends, family or significant other. They require practice, time, and skill to master. If you get good at knitting you maybe able to share or sell others your creations, I prefer swimming on occasion. Perhaps you can take lessons whether paid, or have a friend show you. If your adept with computer you can teach that way too simply by watching a video. A book from the public library or what have you can help to peak your interest for many recreational activities. Sometimes you need to put the book down and simply get out there and take action. Making a daily, weekly, even monthly schedule can be helpful. However, if your like me and get bored sometimes you may need a little variety and mix things up. Sometimes spontaneity can be quite enjoyable. It is the spirit of Taoism and Buddhism after all. Many things in life are unpredictable and uncertain with this in mind there is nothing inherently wrong with routines. They can help you master your skills, with practice and predictability you may not want to veer from their course with enjoyment once you see progress, Make time for your hobbies,I much prefer alternative media, to corporate news, tv watching, and social media. Get out there and get some hobbies. Go for a nature walk at little expense, simply a good pair of walking shoes and your all set, adventure awaits.


Sometimes you may become overwhelmed by the western culture and need to take time off. You may even not return to work because of ill health, or a myriad of other reasons. We’re all dealt our card in life, over work, and meaningless jobs are a shared source of misery for many people and poor mental health. When you realize your faced with these decisions you may need to turn the rudder as Buckminster Fuller once said , and change your life direction. There are less stressful occupations, and odd jobs that may come your way. Corporate jobs are running people into the ground. Do your really need all that gadgetry and the latest greatest fad everyone is doing, that new BMW or two or three car garage, and what you have to do to afford it, while injured or in ill health, is it really worth it? We’re not here forever, and your not taking your wealth with you as Whiz Kalifa says in one of his songs. Maybe settling for less is better. As Thoreau once observed he was poor but rich in spirit. That's exactly what I’ve come to realize dropping out of the rat race, once I became disabled, and in ill health from it. There's nothing wrong for settling for a simple life, and having your basic needs met. By all means buy good food, clothe yourself in quality linen's, and make sure things are safe in your lodging. Maybe you need to take care of your basic needs. Get the help you need, or if your self sufficient keep up the good work, don’t let life get you down.


There are many ways to rebel however freedom of expression maybe one of the best ways. In rebels and outlaws the author states you must earn your freedom, and you do. Nobody is going to do it for you. All the government oppression and senseless wars, can take their toll so perhaps the best way to live is dangerously and on the edge. Perhaps you were coerced into Covid vaccines and may need some help. Pine tea is a great way to take care of the inflammation associated with these not so great drugs. The Romani people have an affordable tea from Agora food market in Greece on amazon or directly. Its definitely improved my life. I’ve had to forgive, some people as Christ said know not what they do. I found if you want to rebel sometimes its merely through thought. You may want to keep to yourself as Robert Greene says there are worse places to be if not an early demise, be wise, as my nanny once said a still tongue makes a wise head. Choose your battles carefully and lead a long life. There are as I said before many ways to rebel, perhaps doing so in your own way will give you a sense of relief, instead of living a sheltered life , of bottled up emotions and roboticism. I think as Robert Anton Wilson observed occurs whence one does monotonous work or overly bureaucratic jobs. Maybe like he say you might want to change jobs every 5 years or so if you make it that far. Some of the demands of the western world can be quite toilsome so as they say work smarter not harder.


Being descendants of hunter gatherers we have a natural inclination to be nomadic and explore or wander. We weren’t meant to be sedentary for long, as much as I value stillness and routine from time to time. If you do decide to drop cable and internet from your life your more than likely wanting to get out from your dwelling. There are many things to do and explore, and you don’t necessarily need all the tea in china to do it. I’ll list some of my favourite things to do as a suggestion. Nature spaces, get out and explore nature. You may find a favourite spot in nature whether along a trail or what have you. Sit and watch all the different creatures flora and fauna. Maybe bring a beverage like tea or coffee , even tobacco, or hemp and simply enjoy the moment and realize how impermanent lifewithout substances. The unending change in the environment and nature. Nature does so much for us we take it for granted. So be a good stew wart of nature and find your spot. Besides nature being my go to nomadic way of life, not to mention wild places as Derrick Jensen says in his work. There are many things to do if you live in a suburban,rural, or city environment. If you value solitude you may want to explore by yourself, an art gallery or cafe. Maybe you’ll eventually make a friend to bring along. Either way have fun and learn from the experience. You can add it to your repertoire of places to visit with friends, family or partner.


I became addicted to some drugs or plants what have you when I reached midlife. However, my approach is that of moderation. I do avoid street drugs. Some people have different temperaments. It maybe easier said then done. A religious calling maybe helpful in your efforts to reduce, or moderate your habits, if not give them up altogether.There are many things that I consider drugs that you may not. Many of our technologies have drug like effects cell phones, movies, television, computers. Some people simply have trouble with moderation. My advice watch a film on the weekend or two, Netflix, television or otherwise. Cutting cable and internet may not cause much issue as you can download and stream most material for a small fee. Use your cell phone for outgoing calls only, there is growing evidence they cause cancer and even tumours, after prolonged exposure. Public places such as cafes or libraries have courtesy rules of a couple hours duration, you may want to get up and leave as they are relatively sedentary behaviours. Aside from that you might want to avail of a 12 step program or sex addiction group, there just a web search away. You may want to get back into the dating world and meet a significant other. I wish you well in your search. I’m sure your a catch once the right woman comes along so don’t sell yourself short. Establish what your looking for. Maybe you want to find an intelligent woman in a bookstore or public library. Don’t be too picky women come in many varieties.


I read the work of Ernie Zelenski and he states no to be overly perfectionistic. There is another concept called good enough. Some jobs aren’t worth doing overly well. Its not to say you shouldn’t do your best just pick you battles. Do whats important and master the details. You probably only have so much time in a shift or day if you are working to be productive. Some jobs loose their novelty rather quickly and maybe your aim is to have good relations with your coworkers and management. Some jobs simply require you to be present and in a resourceful state Service jobs, security for example, as Tony Robbin’s states in his work. Aside from work, self mastery can be a rewarding experience. Do what your good at. Why be frustrated with something you aren’t seeing progress with. I’m not very good at knitting for example, no matter how hard I try. Maybe its getting a best time or mastering a particular technique. You may want to study and observe other experts, even get a mentor to help you stay motivated. There maybe those days you need a break to recharge your batteries. You may even slide into old habits. Such is life. We all have set backs, and attempting to change or learn something new is no easy feat, especially as you age outside your teenage years. So be gentle with yourself, these maybe life long endeavours and new way of life. After all Rome wasn't built in a day.


One of the most important things a person can have is meaningful relationships. I’d say family is close first next to friends, and acquaintances. Then their is significant others of course. If your someone like me with a schizoid personality you may only have a few close people you associate with according to the author in the book The Power of Misfits.By all means value your relationships, but I think work starts with the self. As Christ said to love yourself then I think you can love others too. By all means No one is perfect. Maybe your someone who values solitude and time away from people. The life of popularity and the party may not be your forte. Its not easy making friends when one is older, or has an issue with social media platforms looking to exploit one with advertisements and other business opportunities. Get some help if your having rouble with adult websites or maybe you can give it up on your own. Relationships take time and effort and can be rewarding depending on ones priorities. We’ve become a culture glued to screens. Beware of your screen time. Perhaps you’d rather be having a face to face conversation with someone before a meal, or over coffee and tea. We are social creatures it isn't normal to be socially isolated , unless your a monk or hermit, even then. Be careful who you let into your life. They maybe toxic people and you have to be aware of that too. "Sometimes its better to be alone than in ill company." Get out there, make a friend or lover or perhaps rekindle old relationships with family members.


Its important to have fun from time to time. Life can be serious, just turn on the news if you want mainstream media to bring you down. I don’t watch mainstream media. Their influenced by big corporations that have their slant. Have you tried alternative media? Cutting through the Matrix, The Corbett report and Anarchy radio. To name a few. There are a lot of people doing podcasts. Whatever topic may interest you feel free to download. It might be an idea to have some knowledge of a subject before listening in order to make an informed decision or opinion based on fact. Back to having fun. Fun happens when your enjoying a particular activity. I’m a hedonist, I rarely do things that are painful or cause misery. Maybe that's why I am poor and don’t have a lot of materialistic goods. I don’t like dreary jobs for too long. I do admire grit and determination. There is something to be said about sticking out a job. Some people may have a family to raise and have limited options. Develop new hobbies. Maybe you really hit it off with someone and they give a gift or some other unexpected surprise like a meal at a restaurant. It kind of gives you something to look forward to. Why you may not know what your in for this person. Live each day to your fullest and have fun while your doing it. Perhaps your good at something hobbies, people what have you. Just make sure your enjoying yourself . Not at the expense of another person, mind you it might be through self expression. A new outfit, something your learned from a book, film, or music album. Be yourself , bottom line and have fun.


I don’t know much about art other than I find it fascinating what other people create. Whether through writing, drawing, film, architecture, music, to name a few. How creative people can be. Its amazing! Where would we be if it wasn't for people like Vangough, Picasso, Charlie Chaplain, James Joyce, or Oscar Wilde. They had talent. Look at Mozart or Beethoven. I don’t think anyone can top these guys. There like the Michael Jordan’s, and Wayne Gretzskies of their field . Their the elite when it comes to creative endeavours. They expose you to a new reality of performance you never thought was possible. Like the four minute mile. Nobody thought it could be achieved until one man finally did and others followed suit. Such is the nature of limiting beliefs. Be all you can be. “Your smarter and stronger than you think you are .”– Christopher Robbins. Master your art, be daring, eccentric. Like I said you maybe ahead of your time. I’m so glad you’ve made it this far in our journey. So, why not contribute to the arts yourself? It requires little money, an internet connection, and computer. Writing paper, art supplies, a camera? You could well be on your way to a new renaissance. This could depend on what you want others to be creatively inspired by. How about a personal best? Don’t fall in to the comparison trap. Things take time, effort, and practice. Not to mention, self discipline. You may have off days when your not inspired or reach a peak. A much needed break or to take up another pursuit and come back you left off if you so desire.

Bad Days

We have em. Not everyday is going to be bliss especially if your pursuing an unconventional career path. One that doesn’t conform to the status quo. In a way art maybe a threat to it. Not everyone has a 9-5 job. If you wind up in the hands of psychiatrists your life may take an unexpected turn. Sometimes you just have to role with it. Are you naturally lazy? A morning routine can be helpful. Just ease your way into it. Take care of yourself. Eat well, nutritious natural meals. That is if you don’t run out of money or food pursuing your passion. Its amazing how little we can live on. By all means take care of yourself as best you can and do the best you can at your choose n vocation. Get an odd job or temporary work. Thoreau quite enjoyed working 5 or 6 weeks of the year to replenish supplies, he seemed quite content by this routine. Just as you have bad days your bound to have good ones. So embrace both. Take one step at a time. As a professor once told me sometimes you have to break things down into smaller chunks and not look at the while thing. It can be overwhelming and demotivating. Break things down into attainable pieces so your not overwhelmed. One thing I learned about venturing into new things, is that we can fail too. You just need to accept that and maybe move into a new direction.


Ernie Zelenski calls it creative loafing. It maybe necessary if one does work in creative spurts. Its easy to get burned out, and well one must replenish ones drained battery. I’ve found some things helpful over the years. Ellain Arron coined the term "Highly Sensitive Person." I have bouts of insomnia on occasion from over stimulation. Get a hammock and read a book. One of the best investments I ever made. You can frequent a number of places. The forest is a good place. Lorenzo Hagerty mentions the term Forest bathing. I found this concept fascinating. It improves mood, lowers stress, and cortisol in the brain. Visit bodies of water, streams, rivers, oceans, ponds. Quite good for recharging ones batteries as well as doing some necessary thinking if so inclined. I live in area where water is quite abundant. I guess this can apply to people living in temperate areas. Read a book, listen to your favourite podcast, music, instrument. Are you feeling not up to facing the world, how about indulging in a creative pursuit? You'll probably feel up to it eventually, and probably need to recharge. It could well be you have a phobia, and want some help. Talk to anyone, imp-articular a therapist. I’m still quite avoidant of large crowds and avoid peak times, like weekends, or after work. Some people call it shyness or the clinical term social phobia. Either way sometimes you just need some down time.


Well thanks for reading my essay. A short one at that. I may of repeated myself in some instances, although I do believe in the power of repetition. I may write a fiction next time. Stay tuned, same bat time , same bat channel. My plan was to inform you of alternative lifestyles and vocations that may turn hobbies to into something that may or may necessarily make you money. It isn't the end of the world. I guess it depends on what your priorities are. You may need an odd job if things are worn, need to be replaced, etc. If your able to do so and not in ill health. It can happen to the best of us. Don’t let life get you down, it has its struggles. Nothings easy in the words of the sage Lao Tzu. Most things worth attaining take effort, self discipline, not to mention work. I think were naturally inclined to be lazy and not want to work. However, if you have a goal in mind it can be quite rewarding to see your goals rip pen into fruition. You only live once , we all make mistakes and have failures whether at work, relationships what have you, so take it easy on yourself , make some goals and be present. Learn from the past and move on like Huxousley said. Well take care my friends. I hope you enjoyed this book and found inspiration.

The End

Recommended Book Reading List

Food of the Gods By:Terrence Mckenna

The Bohemian Manifesto By: Lauren Stover

The Concise Bohemian Philosophy By: Peter Hapchyn

Bohemian London By: Nick Renneson

Awaken The Giant Within By: Tony Wobbins

The Myth of Mental Illness By: Dr. Thomas Szasz

The Highly Sensitive Person By: Ellaine Arron

The Porn Trap By: Wendy and Larry Maltz

The Power of Misfits By: Anna Lemind

Stoic the Cynics By: Diogenes Leertius, John Maccurn, Publius Syrun, and Xenophon

Anarchism A Collection of Revolutionary Writings By: Peter Kropotkin

The Kingdom of God is Within You By: Leo Tolstoy

Broken Brains and Wounded Hearts By: Ty C. Colbert Ph. D

The Abolition of Work And Other Essays By: Bob Black

The Book of Hermits By: Robert Rodriquez

What Colour is Your Parachute A Practical Manual For Job Hunters and Career Changers By: Richard N. Bolles

The Tao of Power Lao Tzu’s Classic Guide to Leadership And Excellence. By R.L. Wing

A Straight Talking Introduction to Psychiatric Drugs The Truth About How They Work and How to Come Off Them By: Dr. Joanna Moncrief

Marijuana Medicine A World Tour Of Visionary And Healing Power Of Cannabis By: Christian Ratsch

Random House’s Websters Quotationary By: Leonard Roy Frank

Mental Health Survival Kit And Withdrawal From Psychiatric Drugs By:Dr. Peter C. Gotzsche

Discipline is Destiny By: Ryan Holiday

The Lazy Person’s Guide To Siccess By: Ernie J. Zelenski

Wlden, Or, Life in the woods (1854) is a reflection upon simple living in natural

surroundings. By Henry David Thoreau